
Day 19> Adorn your head

1.) I had about 2 minutes before college and this is the only decent picture

2.) My internet connection is dire so I haven't been able to use Picnik to edit my photos just windows photo viewer :( Hence the rubbish quality and editing.

3.) Do you think that accessories such as necklaces and hairbands come under the category of clothes? I want to know for my clothes fast! :P


Say :)


Dorothy Explora said...

NOPE..! not in MY book, they don't fall under the category of clothes ;P i, too, went on a clothes fast a few months back. and let me just say, it was the BEST thing to happen to my accessories collection. ahah. i heart accessories though! lols.

btw, i am smitten with your blog. i want to follow via GFC, but i don't see the widget!!! o.O eheh, lmk!



Anonymous said...

Dorothy, I'm sorry I took of the GFC widget- it was embaressing because I only have 5 followers :( But I'll put it back if you promise to follow :P

Thanks for your sweet comments x