
Getting ready for a long summer :)

Tomorrow is my very last (official) day of college before study leave, revision classes and exams! It was strange to think that I'm never going to have English Literature or Law ever again after today, but it was also kind of exciting because it was another reminder that, come September, my whole life is going to change, whether I go to university or get my job. I will miss all the people I've come to know and love, but college is just a small part of my life and I can't wait to explore the rest!

Oh and I am so grateful for the lovely response to my post yesterday, honestly your messages meant so much to me :)

Say x


Elisha said...

good for youu!! a loong summer is what I need!!


Unknown said...

Change is so exciting and scary as all get out at the same time! Enjoy this summer to the fullest! =)

Stella said...

Oh, good luck with your exams!! :)
I'm sure you'll do a great job.

All the best for you this summer :)