

I had an assessment day/interview thing yesterday and I really want the job. 

I mean, I seriously want this job

I keep thinking in my head about all the the things I would do if I got it; take an occasional preaching course so that I can preach in church, invest more in the photography business, learn to drive, go to Germany and visit my exchange partner and a million more. 

-I love the place and the attitude of everyone there. 
-I love the fact that I would be able to work straight away and not pay £9000 a year for a course I'm not even sure I want to do (and I know that that doesn't sound very much to Americans- but it's tripled since last year!). 
-I love the fact that it is in London; where so much happens.
-I love that it is a world renowned company, one of the Big Four.

I would have a career with opportunities to fly around the globe, move up in the company and have a good life.


It's probably not going to happen.

I didn't do very well on the assessment day. The essay was fine, good even, and both the group exercise and verbal reasoning test. But the numerical test, you know, the fundamental one for a job in finance, was awful. I guessed half the answers.

So now I just have to wait for a phone call telling me that my dream job isn't mine. And I don't know if I'll get into my university.

Nothing is certain any more.

Time to trust God more than anything.

Say :)

ps. That video totally sums up my life right now! The camera isn't straight, I am just spinning in circles in the dress I got for my birthday, grinning like a mad woman! :P I thought it suited this post better than outfit posts!


Elisha said...

oh my GOSH! your ADORABLE in that videoooo!! <3
love love.


QuorumVictory said...

ooo which one of the big four? I'm sure you did fine! can you message me your number at some point, would love to catch up and I lost all of mine :( <3 hope you're well! xx

Rebecca Roode said...

You are adorbs! I know that God has a special plan and purpose for your life and that He will work all things out for your good and His glory.
Keep smiling! :)

Harley said...

this is stressful but you are handling it so well!