
Country girl

The best thing about living in the middle of nowhere is that this field is practically my garden. If you go to the end of my actually garden, it's just sitting there, all green and grassy. Oliver and I found it on the very first day of our village lives and it is by far my favourite of all the fields we have found. Unlike the old rail line or the main footpath trails, it is mostly deserted, bar the odd friendly dog walker! Here we shot this couple shoot and on Saturday I decided to explore it on my own. It was absolutely beautiful weather and I just set up my camera on the floor, stuck it on timer and took photo after photo.

Sometimes I honestly think that this field is worth only having four shops for. Sometimes.

Say :)


Sarah Frills4Thrills said...

I"m so jelly! I wish I lived on a field/near a field! I can't wait to see your copycat look : )

Elisha said...


Elizabeth said...

Cute pictures! :) we live bye a field too, :P
Keep Shining, Lizzy <3

Christine said...

I love the last one!
Thank you for the comment! hah- I love when people actually read the writing :p

I am following you now! I would love if you would follow me back too ^_^

God bless

Lissa @ her + him said...

loooove the light in these photos! gorgeous!