
Shooting a princess :)

Despite the grey, grey weather we have had today, the sun was perfect for the photo shoot I did yesterday with a beautiful girl that I've known for the last 7 years, Lilly. We haven't always seen completely eye-to-eye, but I admire her for being such a strong daughter of God. In fact she very bravely fought against our German class in a debate as to whether the bible is relevant today :) She got the class to translate the message of salvation from German to English, it was amazing to hear them speak the words of the gospel :) They were kind of brutal, but I hope and pray that they heard something of the message.

Oh and don't worry, one of these days I will stop bombarding you with photo shoots!

Say :)


Chelsea Finn said...

You are a wonderful photographer! These pictures are beautiful, actually ,she is beautiful!! I love her dress, so pretty!

<3Chelsea Elizabeth

Allie Morris said...

You are an amazing photographer! I've been looking through your photos and blog and am like, "Geeze this girl's cool". Plus you and your boyfriend are super super super cute. Just saying :)

Hope you had a super awesome weekend!

Allie Ruth Morris

Tamara @ Go Fish Style said...


Unknown said...

She is beautiful! Love the ethereal look of the photos!


Unknown said...

wow, these are gorgeous photos of a gorgeous girl. how do you get them to look like this?!?! love it. xoxo linds of www.rubygirlblog.com

Harley said...

the light is gorgeous in these photos.
natural light is just the best.
and german class? I spoke german... and it rocks.