
Being Mum.

As my mother had a week off this week (she was supposed to visit my uncle in Canada, but he came over here instead), she decided to go up north to stay with my dad's parents. The first thing my dad asked me once she was gone was whether I would cook! But that's ok, I'm fine with gender roles and stereotyping :P I like cooking :) So in the end I decided to make Mexican chicken wraps with a sugary lime marinade. It's good, I'm telling you, a recipe by Sam Stern, a young chef who has written a few cook books with his mum.

Oliver decided to change the camera setting to monochrome half way through cooking, so I have had to put ALL of them in monochrome :( Now it looks a bit like this post, sorry guys!

I am really pumped for my youth weekend away tomorrow! I won't be able to post until Sunday at the very earliest, but hopefully I will accumulate some good pictures for you :)


Say :)

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