
Equality is about fairness, not being the same

Yesterday, my friend Ellie from Ohai :) and I went on a trip to Brick Lane to test out the world's best curry :) It was pretty darn amazing. Now, I love curry, like, so much, so this was pretty much the best day of my life. Ok, not exactly. The curry was good, but we also decided to visit the Women's Library and go to the exhibition 'All Work, No Pay?'. Hmm. I have a really big mouth and when I don't agree with something, I can't just stand there as someone talks at me. So I ended up getting into a bit of a heated argument with the woman who ran the exhibition over whether welders and cooks should have the same pay and why this debate was even featured in a feminist exhibition when it clearly had nothing to do with gender, they were just different jobs. I wrote this on the really cool vintage typewriter for her:

I don't think she was impressed. But regardless, it was a good day :)

When I got back, Oliver and I went on a date. It's kind of become a bit of a tradition that on Tuesdays we go to Asda. I know what you are thinking, classy, right? It is just a way of getting us out the house instead of being cramped up in my room all the time. This time we had a special detour and went all the way to Sainsburys as well! But I couldn't reach our favourite spinach pizzas :(

Luckily I have an amazing boyfriend who is just a bit taller than me :P (I am just 5"2 and I'm not growing any more!)


Say :)

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