
NaNoWriMo once more

So it's November once again. The month where my father grows a moustache which my mother hates and where I attempt to write a 50,000 word novel. Last year I managed it, and this year I have a much better idea of what I'm writing so I hoped it will be easier.

It's not.

In a way I am paying way too much attention to what I am writing because I want it to be a good story, because I want it to fulfil the ideas I have in my head. Last year I had no expectations, I just wrote, and it was a lot quicker.

Already I am struggling, it is 1.52am on the second day and I have written 1,512 words. Hmph. I suppose it is better than last year where I missed the first day and therefore was behind all the rest of the month up until the last weekend where I ignored everyone else on our weekend away and just wrote. How anti-social. This is a picture of me Oliver took last year as I was finishing my novel and practically sleeping with my mums laptop :P

It's got to the stage where I'm listening to James Blunt on repeat and just trying to fill the words.

Wish me luck,


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